Teacher Shift
Here at Teacher Shift, hosts Ali Simon and JoDee Scissors unpack one of the toughest questions educators face when considering a career shift - Who am I if I’m not a teacher?
Teacher Shift podcast shares resources for educators who need help with job exploration, identity, wellness, financial planning, and decision-making. We invite teachers, former teachers, people that love to hire teachers, mental health professionals, resume coaches, scholars, and financial planners to share experiences and guidance with educators that need or are considering a shift.
106 episodes
The Teacher Shift We Did NOT Expect... And What it Means Going Forward
When do you know it’s time to start your next chapter? Today, you’ll hear how Ali and JoDee knew it was the right time to make their own shift.In this episode, Ali and JoDee sit down to share some big news about Teac...

Career Crossroads: Exploring the Possibilities With Kate Davis
Have you been leaning into making a career shift, but not sure what is right for you? Today’s guest shares a glimpse of possibilities you may not have considered and why you need to make the leap!In this episode, Ali and JoDee ...
Episode 102

How Teaching Skills Translate into Workforce Development Success with Kartav Patel
How do you harness your versatility in a career shift? Today’s guest answers this question as he shares his transition from the classroom to the workforce development sector.In this episode, Ali and JoDee are joined by Kartav Patel, ...
Episode 101

Identity, Money, Resumes and Safety: Lessons From 100 Teacher Transition Stories
Teacher Shift has officially hit 100 episodes!!! In this episode, Ali and JoDee sit down and reflect on the top episodes of the podcast along with key takeaways you can use during your transition. You’ll hear how the t...
Episode 100

The Power of Inner Work When Teacher Guilt Creeps In With Mark Guay
*Trigger Warning: This episode touches on the topic of suicide and its impact.Has teacher guilt been holding you back? Today’s guest shares how he was able to deal with the guilt when he stepped away from the classroom...
Episode 99

One Small Leap, One Giant Leap for a Career Shift with Dominique Mas
Are you ready to make a shift? If so, you may need to take multiple little leaps to get to the bigger shift you’re looking for. Today’s guest shows how it took her multiple leaps to finally land where she was meant to be. Today, Ali ...
Episode 98

How to Strengthen Your Personal Relationships With Dr. Lindsay Cavanagh
Is work life impacting your personal relationships? Today’s guest shares how you can strengthen your relationships through the ups and downs of kids and work. Today, Ali and JoDee chat with returning guest, Dr. Lin...
Episode 97

Grab Your Pumpkin Spice Latte and Start the Job Hunt, Now!
Fall is just around the corner! You know what that means? Grab a pumpkin spice latte and start job hunting!Today, Ali and JoDee sit down to chat about why the fall is the prime time to start preparing your resume and start filling ou...
Episode 96

Using Your Teacher Skills to Become a 100M Real Estate Agent With Brooke Coughlin
Has anyone ever told you that you would be a great fit for a specific job? They could just see your potential. Today’s guest shares how someone seeing her potential took her from the classroom earning $40,000 a year to a real estate agent cl...
Episode 95

How Taking a Chance on Yourself Can Payoff With Eboni Walker
How do you know when the right time is to make a shift? Today, listen in as a former kindergarten teacher shares how she took a gamble on herself using the skills she acquired in the classroom.In this episode, Ali and JoDee sit down ...
Episode 94

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone With Brad Mason
Tired of living in your comfort zone? Ready to take a risk and try something new? If so, then today’s guest shares how one delightful book character can help you understand why getting out of your comfort zone might be the missing piece to l...
Episode 93

Handling Job Rejection and Employer Ghosting With Ali Simon and JoDee Scissors
Is the fear of rejection holding you back from making a shift or applying for jobs that excite you? Today, Ali and JoDee are tackling the difficult topic of rejection. Together, they’ll discuss their own experiences with rejection, why havin...
Episode 92

Teaching Is Leading: It’s Time to Follow Your Career Ambitions With Ross Romano
Do teachers make good leaders? Today’s guest shares the value of teacher leaders and why teachers are allowed to follow their own ambition.In this episode, Ali and JoDee sit down with Ross Romano, a consultant, advisor,...
Episode 91

Giving Notice and Sticking to Your Non-Negotiables With Courtney Fearing
Experiencing transitions can cause an array of emotions, but what happens when you experience multiple transitions at once? This week our guest gives us insight into making several life transitions at the same time, including a shift outside...
Episode 90

How to Be Actionable and Move Forward With Your Exit With Kelsie Marks
Are fear and doubt holding you back from making a pivot in your career? Today’s guest shares how shift services can be the jump start you need as you move into a new career.This week Ali and JoDee sit down with returning guest, Kelsie M...
Episode 89

Elevator Pitch Tips, Resume Optimization, and Upskilling for Your First or Next Shift With Ali Simon and JoDee Scissors
You’ve made the big career shift. Now what do you do? Are you done shifting or are there more pivots in your future? Today, we’re talking about just that!In this episode, Ali and JoDee sit down to talk about Ali’s lates...
Episode 88

Leaving a Niche Field for Health and Happiness With Braegan Padley
Mental health is one of the biggest challenges teachers face. They struggle with feeling stuck in a niche field while also battling bad habits that have crept into their lives. Our guest today shares how she not only made the bold move out of a...
Episode 87

After Decades of Teaching, You Can Still Seize New Career Opportunities With Steve Martinez
Have you ever had an opportunity present itself, even when you weren’t looking for it? That’s what happened to our guest today! He shares his story of making a career shift when he wasn’t even looking for one. Today, Ali and JoDee ...
Episode 86

Pro Shift Tips From a Former Teacher and Coach With Michael Cappo
Worried if you shift out of teaching that you might fail? Today’s guest did exactly that. He shifted out of teaching, failed and ultimately ended up coming out on top!In this episode, Ali and JoDee are joined by Michael Cappo. Michael is...
Episode 85

Making a Transition From the Classroom With a Teacher Friend With Hillary Gale and Kristin MacIntyre
Teachers possess skills that go far beyond the classroom, however they can struggle making the transition into another career utilizing these skills. Today, you’ll hear the story of two former teachers who have transitioned away from education ...
Episode 84

Bye, Bye Burnout! How one AI Tool is Freeing Up Teacher Time With Thomas Thompson
Are things like lesson planning eating up all your time? Do you want to get your time back? Today’s guest, Thomas Thompson may just have what you’re looking for!Thomas Thompson is an educator of five years and is the co-founder of Eduai...
Episode 83

How a Side Gig Turned This Teacher Into an Accidental Business Owner With Abigail Reller
Teachers are known to supplement their teacher salaries typically through things like tutoring and summer school. But in today's episode, you’ll hear about how one teacher became an accidental entrepreneur when an investor gave her $100!
Episode 82

Here’s an Easy Way to Apply for Jobs With Drew McManus
Today, Ali and JoDee are joined by Drew McManus, CEO of Upstage and the creator of Arts Admin Jobs, an online job board. Together, they’ll discuss what lead Drew to creating Arts Admin Jobs, what sets it apart from other jobs boards, and his be...
Episode 81

I Thought Teaching Was My Life’s Mission
Have you ever said that teaching was your life’s mission? Or it’s what you’re called to do in life? If this is something you’ve said to yourself, then stick around because this episode is for you!Today, Ali and JoDee are tackling the top...
Episode 80

Goodbye Chronic Anxiety & Stress, Hello Recharged Teacher With Annamarie Fernya and Julie Braumberger
This week, Ali and JoDee are joined by Annamarie Fernyak, the founder and CEO of Mind Body Align, and Julie Braumberger, former educator and director of Mind Body Align At School. Together, they will discuss the benefits of practicing mindfulne...
Episode 79